Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Why Everyone Needs a Vacation

Many people are underestimating the importance of a good vacation. An online poll showed half of the respondents saying they don’t take annual vacations, with some saying they never take one at all. Weekends are not substitutes for vacation. Everyone needs to take a longer break at least once a year.

A real vacation is when you spend a good amount of time away from work – bringing your work with you on a tropical island is not a vacation. If you’re going on a vacation, do it the right way. Bring your family to a nice and quiet place, go fishing, do some sight-seeing, stay in a log cabin, and get lots of sleep. One way to know you had a real vacation is when you return to work feeling refreshed, and sharper than ever.

Studies show that getting some time off work actually improves work performance. An annual vacation reduces the risk of heart attack by 30% for men, and 50% for women. Vacations also help avoid burn-outs, and improve the quality of sleep for up until 5 weeks after the vacation. Aside from these a good vacation also promotes creativity, and reduces stress in general, which means less sick leaves and more productive days.

Aside from the personal benefits of a good vacation, one can also help promote good relationships in the family. The extra cash you get from not taking a vacation may not be worth it if, in the end your personal health and relationships suffer.

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